
color code Personality Training

Building Relationships


Are you the leader of a group and you’re trying to figure out how to get the group to “gel” in order to maximize productivity and tap into their creativity?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could understand what makes others “tick” and eliminate possible conflict?

Then, Color Code is the solution.

The Color Code Personality Training is the most revolutionary and ACCURATE measurement of your personality available on the market today. Once you have learned the Color Code you will never see yourself or others the same again! Color Code is your best bet for understanding how to make sense out of life's relationship puzzles.

Color coding was created by Dr. Taylor Hartman through years of research, corporate consulting and his private practice in counseling.

All life is about relationships and the success of any endeavor, whether personal or professional, often depends on how you relate with the individuals involved.

For more information or to book Dr. Packer for a business workshop, please click here to schedule a Consultation Call.